and welcome to a whole new world of possibilities
what is possible ?
I've been working with people's health for over 20 years and what I know to be true is that we are complex beings.
I've been on a journey of study during this time, beginning with Naturopathy as I was searching for the best way to heal the body.
However, what I quickly discovered learning Holistic Health is that we are more than a body.
We have a mind, we have emotions and we are made up of so much more than just cells - we have an energy body.
Over the past 25 years I have studied
Permaculture, Biodynamics & Organic Gardening,
Neuro-emotional Technique,
Access Consciousness Bars,
Life Coaching
and am currently studying
Clinical & Medical Hypnotherapy.
Why all of these modalities ?
Because I have a genuine fascination for healing.
I love to assist people to improve their lives.
I'd love to facilitate you, to do just that.
Whether it's your body, health, limiting beliefs,
addictions, relationships, career,
home life, finances.
Every area of your life can be changed,
if you choose it.
I am here to guide you to living the life you truly want.
What if you could turn all your problems
into possibilities ?
An have fun doing it !