Get Your 'shit' Sorted Coaching Program
1 month, 4 sessions.
Unless you are in a circus, life doesn't have to be about 'juggling'. This program will help you to get your life sorted. What would it feel like to create more organisation, space and ease in your life ?
Life Coaching
Why on earth do I need a coach to live my life ?
Take a moment and reflect on your life as it currently is ? Really feel into it ? Does it feel expansive and light or does it feel stressful and heavy ?
For most people, life is a juggle of so many different things, with no time to do what they truly desire and feeling like they are running from one thing to another. Is this you ?
If so, a coach gives you the ability to get above your life, so you can see it for what it is.
I use questions and templates to help you to clearly see
what may be missing from your life, or where you are spending too much time.
And, we have lots of fun in the process !
If you keep doing the same things in life and expect a different result, guess what, that is the definition of 'insanity'.

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Wellness Coaching
So what exactly is health & wellness coaching ?
Wellness Coaching gives you the one on one attention that you may need from a coach. Noreen has had over 20 years experience in the holistic health field. She has seen hundreds of clients and is passionate about assisting you to get a clear plan to get to your health goals.
Sometimes, gaining good health may seem overwhelming. This is where wellness coaching can assist.
You get clear on your goals and how to achieve them, in a step by step process.
Noreen can test you remotely using Kinesiology to come up with a supplement plan, dietary advise and kick your butt into gear with implementing healthy daily habits!
Great health is made up from what you choose to do on a daily basis. If you don't know what you are doing, then wellness coaching is for you.

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